great resignation

Seventy six percent of employees say that voluntary benefits would affect their employer’s ability to retain them compared to 68% in 2020, according to a report by Corestream. More and more employers are adding voluntary benefits to their employee benefit plans because they have seen a positive impact on their retention and recruitment efforts. 
HR professionals say that offering more voluntary benefits will:

  • 83% Retain employees 
  • 72% Engage employees 
  • 72% Attract new talent 
  • 63% Save employees money
  • 53% Increase productivity 

Contact CoPower for leading products and strategies to capitalize on the growing demand for voluntary benefits.
Rodney Mattos
CoPower Regional Sales Manager
Phone: 916.261.9280
Schedule an Appointment with Rodney
Jason Diffenauer
CoPower Sales Account Manager
Phone: 650.931.1731
Schedule a meeting with Jason


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