manager stress

Millennial managers now feel more overwhelmed, burnt out, and stressed at work compared to December 2020, according to a MetLife survey. Many have taken on the challenge of supporting employees’ well-being even when it diminishes their own. Millennial managers, ages 26-40, are significantly more likely to say they are burned out (42 percent) than managers of any other generation (34 percent Gen Z, 27 percent Gen X, and 21 percent Boomers).
Millennial managers are more likely to want training and support in managing people (82 percent), managing personal stress (78 percent), discussing sensitive topics, such as diversity and inclusion and social justice (74 percent), and managing hybrid remote/onsite teams (74 percent).
Millennial managers who say their employer offers a range of benefits that meet their personal and household needs are much more likely to say they’re holistically healthy (54 percent vs. 30 percent) and resilient (70 percent vs. 46 percent).

CoPower offers a range of benefits to support today’s managers including a comprehensive Employee Assistance Plan from Unum.

Contact CoPower for product suggestions and sales strategies. 
Rodney Mattos
CoPower Regional Sales Manager
Phone: 916.261.9280
Schedule an Appointment with Rodney
Jason Diffenauer
CoPower Sales Account Manager
Phone: 650.931.1731
Schedule a meeting with Jason


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