
As the country emerges from Covid-19 restrictions, there is a growing demand for mental health services, financial guidance, and assistance in finding childcare and eldercare. CoPower offers in-demand EAP Services through Unum Life plans to help employees get the confidential care and support they need:

  • Work through complex, sensitive issues such as personal or work relationships, depression, or substance abuse
  • Find childcare and eldercare
  • Speak with financial experts by phone on issues, such as budgeting and debt
  • Get a referral to a local attorney for a free 30-minute consultation

For selling strategies, contact:

Rodney Mattos
CoPower Regional Sales Manager
Email: rmattos@copower.com
Phone: 916.261.9280
Schedule an Appointment with Rodney
Jason Diffenauer
CoPower Sales Account Manager
Email: jdiffenauer@copower.com
Phone: 650.931.1731
Schedule a meeting with Jason


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