Through CoPower, you can offer a wide variety of Life/AD&D and LTD Unum plans to find the perfect fit for your groups.
Employer Funded Life/AD&D
- Group Size: 2 -249
- All guarantee-issue
- Portable
- EAP & travel assistance included
- Composite rate based on group size
- 2-year rate guarantee
Coverage Options:
- Under 10 eligible employees: $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, or $25,000
- 10+ eligible employees: $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, $25,000, $50,000, $100,000, or $150,000
Voluntary Life/AD&D
- Group size: 2 to 249
- Guarantee issue protection
- Portable
- Age banded rates
- Spouse & child coverage
- Rate guarantee: 1-year for supplemental and 3-years for stand-alone
A member who enrolls with the lowest voluntary life option ($10,000) at plan inception can increase the coverage amount up to the guarantee issue maximum with no medical underwriting
Coverage Options:
- Lesser of $250,000 or 5x earnings – max amount
- $10,000 increments for eligible employees
Guarantee Issue:
- Under 10 eligible employees: $10,000 (supplemental only)
- 10-49 eligible employees: $30,000
- 50 to 249 eligible employees: $80,000
Long-Term Disability (LTD)
- Group size: 10 to 249
- No limit to the number of out-of-state employees
- Carve-outs: Must be a defined class with a minimum of 10 enrolled per carve-out.
- Not portable
- Contribution: 100% employer-paid
- Participation: 100% of eligible employees
- 2-year rate guarantee from the inception date
Coverage Options:
- 60% to $7,500/Month
- 2-year own occupation
- 90-day, 180-day, or 360-day elimination periods
- Elimination period determined by the employer
Contact us to find to get product information and sales strategies.
Jason Diffenauer
CoPower Sales Account Manager
Phone: 650.931.1731
Schedule a meeting with Jason