How Are Eye Exams Part of a Holistic Program of Health and Wellness?

Woman working with glasses


There’s an old saying: “The eyes are windows to the soul.” We all know that it just means that a person’s eyes are the easiest way to gauge their emotional state or even their intentions. 

However, a growing body of data indicates that a person’s eyes can also be windows to their general health. In other words, eye health has a direct correlation with the health of the rest of the body.

Consumers Say Employer-Provided Coverage Is Vital to Their Financial Peace of Mind


The past few years have been extremely challenging for most workers and employers in the US. There continues to be economic uncertainty as inflation keeps rising. Plus, the job market is becoming increasingly competitive across all sectors, causing continuous problems for employers to retain their best employees. 

Research Finds “Inextricable Link” Between Oral and Mental Health for Older Americans


Delta Dental recently released their Senior Mental and Oral Health Report. This survey of over 1,000 older Americans found an “inextricable link” between older adults’ mental and oral health, with mental health challenges contributing to a lack of oral care. If dental care is neglected, then it can create a vicious circle and exacerbate feelings of depression. 

Life Insurance Becomes More Important as the Average Cost of Funerals In the US Increase


According to figures from the National Funeral Directors Association, average funeral costs in 2022 were anywhere from $11,420 to $13,720. 

Furthermore, these costs have been steadily increasing over the years. For instance, the average cost of a funeral in 1991 was $3,742. In 1995 it rose to $4,626 and in 2000 it rose to $5,180. Just 10 years ago, in 2012, it was only $7,075. 

Number of Employees Satisfied with Their Benefits Has Dropped 10% Since 2022


Qualtrics has released its Employee Experience Trends report for 2023. There are various conclusions in the report that paint an interesting picture of the upcoming workforce landscape, especially considering that Qualtrics has dubbed 2023, “The year employees restructure their relationship with work.” 

Offering Dental Coverage Can Benefit Both Employers & Their Employees


Offering ancillary benefits like dental coverage is certainly good for the employee. However, it can also greatly benefit the employer. 

In the absence of regular and consistent dental care, it becomes significantly more likely that the employee will develop significant health issues. As a result, employees are more likely to miss work, which in turn causes a tremendous loss of productivity. 

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