Acupuncture Reduces Opioid Use for Total Knee Replacement Surgery


Patients who have acupuncture during total knee replacement surgery report less pain and need far fewer opioids to manage their discomfort, according to a study being presented at the Anesthesiology® 2021 annual meeting. Sixty-five percent of patients who received acupuncture during surgery achieved a low-dose or opioid-free postoperative experience, compared to 9% of patients outside of the study.

Employees Look at Voluntary Benefits When Deciding to Stay or Go

great resignation

Seventy six percent of employees say that voluntary benefits would affect their employer’s ability to retain them compared to 68% in 2020, according to a report by Corestream. More and more employers are adding voluntary benefits to their employee benefit plans because they have seen a positive impact on their retention and recruitment efforts. 
HR professionals say that offering more voluntary benefits will:

Workers Say Benefits Will Play a Critical Role in Job Choices

ancillary benefits

Employers risk losing out in the race for talent if they don’t focus on benefits. Sixty-eight percent of employed individuals expect their workplace benefits to play a more critical role in choosing a job, according to a Voya survey. Sixty-one percent say the pandemic has made them think more carefully about the types of workplace benefits their employer offers. 
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